Pia Ruotsala, perhekeskuksen johtaja, pappi, Girl Power sankaritar, ystäväni #People Who Inspire Me Pia (Suomen Suurlähetystö, Tallinn) Ruotsala, Pia Silloin kun saan väittää, että ihminen elää niin kuin opettaa, puhun Pia Ruotsalasta. Tämä ihminen on minulle Kristinuskon, inhimillisyyden ja ystävyyden esikuva. Subscribe to our newsletter!
Avainsana: inspiration
People Who Inspire Me (Series) – Ian
Ian Karell, singer/songwriter, teacher, friend #People Who Inspire Me Ian Karell is passionate in everything he does. And he always tries to make it to perfection. He made it through inner and outer hardships to show us the way. Respect! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k2U6nmvylE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zawN_OdFE8A Subscribe to our newsletter!
People Who Inspire Me (Series) – Jaana
# People Who Inspire Me KIVIÄ KORKOKENGISSÄ By Jaana "Hullun hyvä blogi arjessa kompuroinnista, yrittämisestä, retkeilystä, liikunnasta ja törrrkiän hyvästä ruoasta." Poisio, by Jaana Minut harvakseltaan saa kukaan lukemaan koko blogia läpi, ja vielä siltä istumalta. Mutta Jaana onnistui siinä. Odotan innolla, mitä uutta hänellä on kerrottavaa. En paljasta, mistä on kyse. Lukekaa itse! Subscribe … Jatka artikkeliin People Who Inspire Me (Series) – Jaana
People Who Inspire Me (Series)
#People Who Inspire Me I've just found out the the world is cruel. It was not any surprise, but it has still hurt. That's why I decided to make a list of things, people and phenomenon, that inspire me every day and give me positive energy day to night. You are going to find here … Jatka artikkeliin People Who Inspire Me (Series)
In Via: Inspiration – 1 of 1000 Hours Outdoor
Yksi tuhannesta tunnista ulkona / One on those 1000 hours outdoor #1000tuntiaulkona #1000hoursoutdoor Erittäin raskaan päivän päätteeksi kävelin illalla kotiin. Meidän pihassa trimmattiin pensasaitaa. En voinut olla pelastamatta paria kukkasta. #1000tuntiaulkona haaste vastaanotettu 🙂 PS Pari kuukautta sisällä opetti arvostamaan ulkoilun ihan eri tavalla. On my way home after a very tricky day, I noticed flowers … Jatka artikkeliin In Via: Inspiration – 1 of 1000 Hours Outdoor
In Via: Spring In The Air
In Via: Inspiration – Chasing the Sun
Unknown Portugal: Today We Were Chasing the Sun... The dream... Today we were chasing the Sun along old road in the outskirts of Albufeira. Guess, we didn’t reach the Sun. But here are the things we actually reached for. And the results. Not bad 🙂 Subscribe to our newsletter! https://viaperasperaadastra.com/2020/04/03/in-via-inspiration-ocean/ https://viaperasperaadastra.com/2020/01/18/in-via-inspiration-1-of-1000-hours-outdoor/ https://viaperasperaadastra.com/2020/01/20/1000tuntiaulkona-haaste-vastaanotettu In Via: Inspiration … Jatka artikkeliin In Via: Inspiration – Chasing the Sun
Unknown Portugal: Down to Paradise
In Via – On the Way – Matkalla Life doesn't always go uphill. Here, in Albufeira, it is always worth going downstairs, and probably you will find your paradise there. And you will never would like to come back up. From the the beach. Praia de Santa Eulália, Albufeira Welcome to Praia de Santa Eulália. … Jatka artikkeliin Unknown Portugal: Down to Paradise